Contextual Healing Institute

The Contextual Healing Institute is a private healing ministry that supports each member’s ability to evolve and adapt using nature’s principles to improve our self-healing capabilities and our relationship with the environment. We focus on the 4 contexts that we can take stewardship over:

  1. Inflow – the intake of energy into our body such as quality of food, water, air, and even electromagnetic energy (as EMF pollution or energy healing).
  2. Outflow – the outflow of energy such as physical self-expression in dance, tai chi, chi gong, exercise, etc. Also includes body elimination of toxins and wastes.
  3. Structure – the alignment of joints and soft tissue components as it impacts our nervous system, being mindful of strength, flexibility and balance.
  4. Mind – the power of the mind as our most important healer.

The Contextual Healing Institute was created by Dr. Barbara James and is based on the principles of contextual healing as described by Dr. Dean Black in his book “Inner Wisdom – The Challenge of Contextual Healing”. These principles are important to embrace for self-healing and are stated as follows:

  1. Health exists spontaneously in nature when the contextual conditions are right.
  2. We have a personal stewardship to create the conditions of health for ourselves and our families (taking personal responsibility).
  3. To guide us in our personal stewardships, we have been endowed with an innate capacity for discerning beauty and truth.
  4. By following our innate capacity for discerning beauty & truth, we may gain wisdom, which is the greatest of all gifts.
  5. In the long run, nothing can substitute for our personal stewardships.
  6. Governments cannot promote the general welfare by taking over the personal stewardships of their citizens.
  7. Through the principles of contextual healing, our problems may be turned into strengths.

Membership Application

Private member associations operate in a manner to keep their activities a private contractual matter between the association and the members. Becoming a member of the Contextual Healing Institute will give you the privileges of membership to associate and investigate holistic therapies that may not be available in the public domain. It also requires you to be respectful of other members’ privacy and be responsible for governing yourself with the principle of “Do No Harm” to yourself or others.

In applying for membership to the Contextual Healing Institute, you are indicating that you will be governed by your own ability to discern what holistic health services are in your best interest and that you will respect and hold private all therapies, seminars, or products available within the association.

We invite you to apply for membership to the Contextual Healing Institute if you agree with our purpose and values and want to experience holistic therapies, share, or exchange with others of like mind.

Our Purpose:

The Contextual Healing Institute is a healing ministry/private member association that supports each member’s ability to evolve and adapt using nature’s principles to improve our self-healing capabilities and our relationship with the environment. We focus on four contexts that we can take stewardship over:

  1. Inflow – energy is influenced by sensory experiences that nourish us (like heat or water), electromagnetic radiation, food.
  2. Outflow – exercise, elimination, the quality of energy in self-expression (what we say and do).
  3. Structure – constraints/limitations, security or boundaries, alignment of joints and muscles.
  4. Mind – receiving and interpreting the external environment (positive/negative), the power of the mind as our most important healer!

We study the principles of Contextual Healing, which allows us to focus on stewardship of our health and our responsibility to balance our health as best we can. 

Our Benefits:

Access to unique holistic services, products, health activation coaching, information, seminars and community forums to empower you so you may direct the stewardship of your health to the best of your ability.

Membership Application Form

Please fill out the form below to apply to become a member.

    Please answer the following

    We will contact you and ask that all successful applicants review and sign a private association agreement with a one-time membership fee of $25.00 before accessing membership benefits.